jason and the kids and i drove to camp latgawa for his moms family reunion this weekend. we arrived saturday morning just after 2. after a couple hours of sleep we loaded the family up in grandpas truck and drove to the family mine and cabin, and hiked the mountain named for the father of the family.
and when i say hiked, i mean we scaled a mountain. i am so not kidding. there was rock climbing and everything. here we are close to the top (thanks katie) and georgie and i at the top.
katie and i took a run together last night on some pacific trails that come from our camp grounds. ive tried to map the run and this is the best ive come up with, though i am certain that i am off. when i mapped it though i did notice that the graveled trail is on gmaps, so running that one would allow me to track distance too. but the dirt trails were fun. this was my first ever trail run. we went 45 minutes and the pace felt good the whole time. i felt much better when we were finished too. katie let me jabber her ear off the whole time which definitely make time pass faster for me.
so its tuesday and we have all week to explore those trails!
I loved those pictures. I'm so glad Katie is back in California for a bit. <3