Friday, April 1, 2011


4 miles, 54 minutes, 400 calories all on a treadmill. ive been running. this is the fourth night i have run, but only the second that ive gone more than a mile. i taped up my feet last night. it really did help (no new blisters) but it was also kind of irritating. also, i get bored. i know i could keep going, but i just get bored of running. and greys was a MUSICAL last night (and just odd too) so that didnt make running any more interesting.

i think i should look up all my motivation songs on itunes and buy myself a play list. also, ear buds. mine DO NOT STAY ON. i saw yurbuds recommended by carrie at this mama makes stuff and they look fantastic. but they are 50$ and that seems a bit outrageous. but they are used by iron men. so that kind of makes sense.

it is sunny, and this is encouraging. i want to make plans! but i dont want to have to spend a lot of money. (also, my sewing machine needs serviced. thats 45$. sewing machine vs ear buds. thats not really a choice. :)

my point? im running. i kind of like it. i think i could like it more with a few strategic purchases. and im taking today off, then planning to push it tomorrow and see just what i can do.


  1. Any of the in-ear ones should be okay. Shure make some that Simon used for a long time, but I don't know how much they cost in USD. I use the Apple store ones, so they match, but I'm matchy so that's just me.

    I'm jealous of your running. I'd love to get on the treadmill and do my 3kms a day again. 15kms a week is my post-baby goal, as soon as I can safely run again!

  2. Keep it up!!!!! Your feet will get use to it. Do your shoes fit right???? That is the most important thing with running, shoes that are right! See, I knew you could do it with me. I fill my ipod with all of my get going songs. Since I just love music I just get into what is playing and sing along in my head and I forget about how long I have been running.
