Tuesday, April 10, 2012

sunny days and preschool

i had a surprise free day without the boys yesterday, so georgie and i took advantage of the 70 degree overcast day and ran to preschool again.  i ran much slower than last wednesday, but because of that, i also ran nearly the whole there and back 4+ miles.  it really was a nice day, a good run, and fun to hang out with the kids clapping and chatting.

also, i should mention that to pass the time the next 4 weeks while jason finishes school, i have been sewing a disney land/california vacation wardrobe.  ive sewn 5 new shirts in the last week.  (and also a dress for me, and shorts, a dress and skirt for emma, and two shirts for my mom the week before.)

the other big project has been to get our house spring cleaned.  this is a big deal, because i struggle with keeping it clean in general.  its just not a priority for me.  ive done the play room and kids room all the way from swapping out beds to clothes in the dresser and sorting out toys.  the last three days i have been on the kitchen.  pantry and cupboards are next on the list and then laundry.  im waiting for a kid-less day to get deep into the floors, but it will all get done in the next four weeks.

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