Tuesday, September 28, 2010

weekly update and a change

this seems more like a weekly update. im going to change that. i have made a new habit of making the time for devotions each morning, and after devotions, i am going to make an update here. i think that is the best way to create a new habit.

that said, here is how this week went. on saturday i mowed our lawn, and the neighbors. its been at least 4 weeks, but i think closer to 6 since the back was mowed there so it took a little over 2 hours of very slow mowing to get it done. i was sweaty, im calling that a decent work out.

oh, and one day last week, thursday i think, i took emma for a walk around the block. thursday i think.

monday i swept and mopped all the floors downstairs. i wiped baseboards in the bathrooms and cleaned toilets and counters. i cleaned a lot. totally counts as a workout.

today, jason asked if i wanted to go to the gym before he ran, and even though i didnt (see previous post) i went. 42 minutes 3.57 miles 510 calories a pretty good workout after 12 days away from the gym. and today i am motivated to make some more changes.

and tomorrow is wednesday.

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