Friday, May 20, 2011

fake running math

double jogging stroller + 30 pound toddler + 20 pound baby + strong head wind = running with a 70+ pound parachute (except i was pushing it instead of pulling it.)

i got out the stroller, fed and changed children, and we ran this morning. i told katie i would go 30 minutes 3 times this week to get back into it. i did just shy of 28 minutes which will have to be good enough for today. we went a little more than 2 miles. next time i will bring snacks for the kids to keep them more occupied. i am aiming for morning runs this summer with the kids. this will keep the sun out of their eyes, and make it a little cooler for all of us.


  1. um your maths are wrong. your result should be:

    double jogging stroller + 30 pound toddler + 20 pound baby + strong head wind = REALLY AWESOME SUPERFIT MOM WHO KICKS BUTT AND IS AWESOME.

    (just saying.)

  2. I totally agree!!!!!! You Rock! That was a much harder run than I did today. :)

  3. thanks girls. i found out the next day, i very likely had a flat front tire for that whole run. guh. how dumb do i feel? :) its all pumped up and ready for the next one now.
