Tuesday, July 17, 2012

make that seven.

i made a deal with myself yesterday that i just needed to get the miles in, and then i would take a nap sans guilt. i made a quick blueberry smoothie and had a bit before my run, then put the rest in the fridge for after.  it was just over 4 miles before i felt like i was enjoying myself.  that is far too long. but, at that point i picked up my pace a little more and finished 6.2 miles.  i walked one more to cool off (and finish extreme makeover, weight loss edition on hulu).  i am so glad its done.  im only a little stiff this morning, and in a few hours when the kids are in bed, ill hop back on for a few more miles.


  1. It sounds so nice to have a treadmill! :)

  2. it is definitely easier logistically to get in a run, so it feels like less of a chore. and there were SO MANY on craigslist when i was looking for one, it really isnt hard to find one for less than $150 thats only a few years old.
