Wednesday, July 11, 2012

catch up and an anniversary goal

looks like i covered june at least. so how about the last 11 days?

july 1 was the race, so got that.

july 3rd i drove the kids to cascade (look at that, being all adventurous...) to gregg and ginas cabin.  im counting a 1 mile walk around the beach and docks.

july 4th, same 1 mile walk.  and the kids caught fish! it was a nice little 24 hour getaway.

thursday july 5th, i totaled 6 miles on the treadmill.  i hopped on it three different times during the day to get it in, but thats the beauty.  i CAN break it up into whatever time i have.

sunday july 8, 2.6 mile walk

monday july 9, 4 mile run. RUN. the whole thing. no walking. it felt easy and good.  also, the first 5k was ten minutes faster than the 5k we ran on the 1st in the heat. and we RAN all of that one too.

tuesday july 10, 4 mile walk chatting with jason about the day at 10pm. it was a get-it-in workout.

and that makes today wednesday.  i didnt weigh last week because i was in cascade and gave myself a pass, but this morning i did, and i am at 169.4 pounds.  thats 0.4 down from two weeks ago.

one more thing.
saturday is july 14th.
its been nearly two years since i started out on my second try.  this year had more bumps than last, with 16 weeks of jason working nearly full time and taking 16 incredibly difficult credits. those weeks included a 15 pound weight gain for me while i stressed and ate my way through it.  it was hard. painful. more than once i felt like i was at the beginning again. but im not. i SURVIVED those 16 weeks, and now im doing what i need to do to lose it again.

jason finishes school in december.  thats the month ive been looking towards for almost two years because thats when we decided we would try for another baby.  my heart races just thinking about it.  ive known with certainty when the time was right to try for emma and for georgie.  emma was my prayer baby.  i prayed for her for 2 years before she was finally concieved.  and georgie was my praise. my heart was heavy that it was time to have another and i was able to praise God the first month we tried.  i knew the wait would be long this time, and i was in no rush.  God has been faithful to make it clear to me when its time, and as december nears i have noticed my desire grow.  its still 5 months away, but God is nesting a place in my heart for another.

so- as he prepares my heart, i want to prepare my body.  i am setting a new goal.  an old goal. 21 weeks for 21 pounds.  december 5 jason will be finishing finals and i plan to hit my goal just in time to get pregnant again. so there it is.