(2 miles for tuesday, finishing july with 88.55 miles.)
i slept late, rushed the kids through the shower and off to school. then georgie and i headed into boise to see heidi and squish on her sweet new baby. but not before i drive into the wrong side of town, and ran a stop sign (for the first time since i was hit and ticketed 4 years ago running one. yikes.) then baby baby baby for the next hour. hes adorable.
from there i met jason for a quick run. he had a meeting scheduled for 2 so we needed to be fast. we finished 3.8 miles in time for him to eat lunch and shower before his meeting.
my lunch was late and quick at home while georgie napped, then picked up emma from school with slushies from sonic and we all headed out for groceries. back at home i made dinner (scrambled eggs, toast, yogurt, watermelon) for the kids, then we made peanut butter chocolate chip cookies together and did jammies, songs, stories and prayer and bed.
it was a kind of typical day, with ups and downs all over, but i really did enjoy it. it felt full and nice, and happy. i like that kind of a day. in fact, i would take another one just like it.
with that perspective, the 0.4 pounds i am up this week doesnt even seem to matter. last week i weighed 168.4, and this morning i weigh 168.8 pounds. im not concerned. what am i shooting for? more miles in august.
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