Tuesday, February 21, 2012

several runs lacking in special stregth

with tomorrow being wednesday and my weight needing recorded i decided to put in the time i needed on this post tonight. waiting till tomorrow would just make it that much longer.

(now, my big decision has been do i go in chronological order, or group like things together?)

jason worked on saturday, so i drove the kids in for a sack lunch dinner with him at the office. it was a long day (he got home at 11) but its just a part of the system right now to get through this semester.

we had nursery duty on sunday and played with just georgie and another little boy for the first hour. second hour we found out there was no sunday school and instead of going home, our class took up a table in the fellowship hall and caught up with one another. i told jason in the car on the way home that i was so glad we stayed for sunday school. it was a nice break.

at home we fed the kids and i headed to the gym for my first run in several weeks and set out a plan to keep it slow to prevent coughing. (i am feeling quite a bit better, but do still wheeze and cough.) walk 2 laps, run 3 for 4.5 miles. it was wonderful. i felt like a crazy person giggling to myself listening to another mother runner podcasts (the obgyn and beginner ones) as i ran around the rec. it was wonderful. i really loved all of it. it took me 57 minutes to go those 4.5 miles, but it was still wonderful.

i hit the track again tonight with more on my mind than sunday. this time i had amr q&a on my ipod and couldnt shake the trouble i am having managing my evenings. i am trying to figure out how to spend time with jason (when hes not doing homework. this usually lasts about 10 minutes after he gets home and before he settles down with his books.) and time for myself, reading or browsing the internet or sewing or whatever just for me, and also time at the gym. no, time at the gym does not count as time for me. i described this to jason this evening. the gym is a chore for me. i rank it above dishes, and folding laundry, but below washing laundry.

i have a lot more to say about bible study today, but its getting late. ill end with 1 Kings 18:45-46 45 And soon the sky was black with clouds. A heavy wind brought a terrific rainstorm, and Ahab left quickly for Jezreel. 46 Then the LORD gave special strength to Elijah. He tucked his cloak into his belt[a] and ran ahead of Ahab’s chariot all the way to the entrance of Jezreel.

i looked it up. that run was something between 15 and 25 miles. i cant find a consistent or reliable answer, but its looking like something more than a half marathon and less than a full, at chariot pace. elijah had been consistently faithful to the Lords will for years and had just seen a big win in the form of a small cloud. he ran. and the Lord gave him special strength. (other translations say the hand of the Lord was on him.) i needed this verse today in so many ways. some running related, some more spiritual. in the long run (ha.) im holding on to elijahs faithfulness, and Gods gift of special strength. thats what i need right now, and jason needs it ten fold.

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