friday afternoon after recovering from a full thanksgiving, jason and the kids and i, along with our friend gabe headed out for a very cold 4 mile run. the boys planned a 10 minute pace and i expected them to leave me behind. it was a nice run. i walked some quiet bits and did some sprints and really felt like i pushed myself. i checked my time at the 4 mile mark and realised i averaged a 10:30 pace. for me, thats a tempo run. faster than race pace. jason got an ear full when i got home, the stinker. it was not a 10 minute pace those boys were keeping, they picked it up several times and finished closer to a 9.
then again on sunday afternoon i hit the gym. 4 more miles. when i get a chance to go this week (looks like friday is my day) im planning to go five. i start to enjoy it at the end of the 4th mile, so im looking forward to that fifth one when its actually fun to be running again.
as for my weight, even with three runs in this week, i am up one pound for 160. i am changing around my eating habits this week too. i have a mid size breakfast instead of a small one, and i eat a large lunch early in the afternoon. then for dinner, i eat my smallest meal of the day. it has seemed to help with the snacking, so thats an improvement.
no rules today though. my sweet emma turns three today and we celebrated with breakfast cupcakes. and shes choosing dinner. i have a hunch it will be cheese and sandwiches.
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