182.2 today! thats 3.2 pounds lost this week.
and, with only 2.2 pounds before i hit the 170's, im pretty sure thats going to happen next week. what progress!
this afternoon i bought myself a dress, its soft corderoy and a pretty blue. though, i think i may go back and get the green one tomorrow. i just really like it, and i really like that my leftover pooch is hidden pretty well. i checked the seams, and i can also take it in pretty easily when i need to. (i think some princess seams would be cute too... but, a bit more difficult.)

(please imagine my hair washed and down, and while were at it, lets pretend emmas not at my feet having a fit, and george isnt laying on the floor crying, and im wearing mascara on my eyelashes and not under my eyes.)
and, what youve all been waiting to hear about (not really, because ive spewed it all over already) the home inspection went great. caroline and sarah were both very nice and relaxed. caroline sat down on my floor and cooed at george while she talked to me, and sarah took notes when i answered questions. from here, caroline will call my references (say good things about me!) and then write her report and include her (positive) recommendation for the state of oregon. once oregon gets it, they make their decision and if it all happens before the next court date- december could be a life changing month.
while i did last minute things this morning (which made no difference at all) i also did my bible study and held onto several new truths.
i will take the courage that God is offering me.
i will not be afraid.
philipians 1:6 being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.
if he doesnt get placed with me, then what? then God will take care of me. then God has a plan. then God desires to accomplish something monumental in me. then Gods going to demonstrate his sufficiency to me.
what a work he is doing in my life. and what peace and calm i felt while they were here today.
I love you. I am so glad it went well. You are amazing! xxxxx